GTLB - GitLab
Earnings Results

GitLab ( $GTLB )

Recent earnings result

  1. GitLab EPS beats by $0.14, beats on revenue

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For list of GTLB events, you may visit their Investor Relations website.

GitLab Inc. is the provider of The DevOps Platform, a single open source application enabling organizations to deliver better and safer software faster. GitLab's mission is "everyone can contribute;" as users become contributors we greatly increase the rate of innovation together. Founded in 2014 by CEO Sid Sijbrandij and engineering fellow Dmitriy Zaporozhets, GitLab has an estimated 30 million users and more than 1 million active license users worldwide. GitLab is also a pioneer in remote work and employs over 1,350 people in over 65 countries.

For list of GTLB events, you may visit their Investor Relations website.

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