EVAX - Evaxion Biotech
Earnings Results

Evaxion Biotech ( $EVAX )

Recent earnings result

  1. Evaxion Biotech ADS EPS misses by $0.02

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Events & Annual meetings

There are no events at this time for this stock.

For list of EVAX events, you may visit their Investor Relations website.

We aspire to become a world leader in AI-immunology, decoding the human immune system to develop effective immunotherapies for cancer and infectious diseases based on deep biological insights. We believe our ground-breaking AI-immunology platforms PIONEERTM, EDENTM and RAVENTM, trained to simulate the immune system, can be harnessed to rapidly and cost effectively design and develop unique immunotherapies, thereby potentially revolutionizing the process of drug discovery and development. We have two patient-specific cancer immunotherapies in the clinic and are advancing a portfolio of vaccines to treat bacterial and viral infections. With an experienced management team, strong IP portfolio and scalable business model, Evaxion is well positioned for rapid growth.

For list of EVAX events, you may visit their Investor Relations website.

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