SWKH - Kana Software
Earnings Results

Kana Software ( $SWKH )

Recent earnings result

  1. SWK Holdings EPS beats by $0.14, beats on revenue

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Events & Annual meetings

There are no events at this time for this stock.

For list of SWKH events, you may visit their Investor Relations website.

We are a specialized finance company with a specific focus on opportunities in the global healthcare sector. We provide innovative capital solutions to a broad range of life science companies, institutions and inventors. We provide capital to our business partners through our own balance sheet as well as through our investment advisory clients, which include family offices and institutional investors. Our broad capital base positions us to be the partner of choice for life science entities looking for flexible, nontraditional sources of capital.

For list of SWKH events, you may visit their Investor Relations website.

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