CLSD - Clearside Biomedical
Earnings Results

Clearside Biomedical ( $CLSD )

Recent earnings result

  1. Clearside Biomedical EPS misses by $0.03, misses on revenue

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For list of CLSD events, you may visit their Investor Relations website.

Clearside Biomedical, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to developing and delivering treatments that restore and preserve vision for people with serious back of the eye diseases. Clearside’s proprietary SCS Microinjector™ targeting the suprachoroidal space (SCS®) offers unique access to the macula, retina and choroid where sight-threatening disease often occurs. The Company’s SCS injection platform is an inherently flexible, in-office, non-surgical procedure, intended to provide targeted delivery to the site of disease and to work with both established and new formulations of medications, as well as future therapeutic innovations such as gene therapy.

For list of CLSD events, you may visit their Investor Relations website.

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